Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

Use Your Marital Challenges to Bring You Closer Not Push You Apart

Get This Video Training for ONLY $47!

6-Session Course:
Storms in Marriage
At some point in your marriage you will face some trials. Not if, but when. However, storms can be an amazing blessing, if you expect storms, prepare for storms, and trust God to use storms for good in your marriage...

With this course, you'll learn practical ways to better navigate storms so that you grow closer to one another.
Here's what you'll learn:
When you are in the midst of a storm it's hard to see the big picture. In this course, you'll get a big picture view and drill down so you are equipped for you next storm.
  • Learn to recognize the signs of a storm is brewing and have a plan, which will lead to hope not helplessness. 
  • Understand that trials will come, and learn to have joy through your trials allowing God to use them. 
  • Identify your biggest sign a storm is coming (lacking communication) and learn where your communication breakdown typically happens.
"God will develop and grow you through storms."
-Jackie & Stephana Bledsoe
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